“He came right up to the candle and smelled it.”

Dear Mr. Moore;

I’ve used your product for several years now.  I am just a normal guy who, prior to using your candles, have never harvested, nor seen anything above the 90″-100″ scoreable range.  I started experimenting with your Doe-N-Heat Candles and due to your advice, the Dominant Buck Candles.  I must say, I was impressed.  These products work!  I am a true believer!  I am now seeing and videotaping deer that I would have never seen just a short time ago.

Last season I videotaped a nice 11-point  /  130″ deer while I was using your Dominant Buck Candle.  This deer came out in the open, caught wind of the scent and began to walk toward it.

He came right up to the candle and smelled it.

What happened next was amazing. He immediately got down in a submissive position.  Almost like a dog being punished.  I was thinking about harvesting him until I saw this.  This deer was truly scared!  I decided to pass on him because it was obvious to me that he wasn’t the dominant buck.

The very next evening, using the Dominant Buck Candle again, in the same location I saw what he was afraid of!  A beautiful 10-Point that scored in the 145+ range stepped out very angrily.

He looked like he was going to fight any deer he saw because he smelled the Dominant Buck Candle and he knew it wasn’t his scent.  I am sorry to say I didn’t get any video of this deer.  I didn’t even think about it.  But now I stare at this deer in my living room every day.

Like I said before, I am just an ordinary guy who always wondered how people get so lucky hunting.  I used to wonder why I never saw good deer.  Well now I use your Candles, and I never wonder anymore!

Also, I was checking your Hot Trails web site out and I see you have a Rear Deer Mirror! What is that? I am about to purchase another case of your scent candles with Lanterns and I may want this item as well!

Bob Alexander